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SPI Master Driver

The SPI Master drivers used in QMK have a set of common functions to allow portability between MCUs.


In most cases, the SPI Master driver code is automatically included if you are using a feature or driver which requires it, such as OLED.

However, if you need to use the driver standalone, add the following to your


You can then call the SPI API by including spi_master.h in your code.

AVR Configuration

No special setup is required - just connect the SS, SCK, MOSI and MISO pins of your SPI devices to the matching pins on the MCU:


You may use more than one slave select pin, not just the SS pin. This is useful when you have multiple devices connected and need to communicate with them individually. SPI_SS_PIN can be passed to spi_start() to refer to SS.

ChibiOS/ARM Configuration

You'll need to determine which pins can be used for SPI -- as an example, STM32 parts generally have multiple SPI peripherals, labeled SPI1, SPI2, SPI3 etc.

To enable SPI, modify your board's halconf.h to enable SPI:


Then, modify your board's mcuconf.h to enable the peripheral you've chosen, for example:

#undef STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2

Configuration-wise, you'll need to set up the peripheral as per your MCU's datasheet -- the defaults match the pins for a Proton-C, i.e. STM32F303.

config.h OverrideDescriptionDefault
SPI_DRIVERSPI peripheral to use - SPI1 -> SPID1, SPI2 -> SPID2 etc.SPID2
SPI_SCK_PINThe pin to use for SCKB13
SPI_SCK_PAL_MODEThe alternate function mode for SCK5
SPI_MOSI_PINThe pin to use for MOSIB15
SPI_MOSI_PAL_MODEThe alternate function mode for MOSI5
SPI_MISO_PINThe pin to use for MISOB14
SPI_MISO_PAL_MODEThe alternate function mode for MISO5

As per the AVR configuration, you may choose any other standard GPIO as a slave select pin, which should be supplied to spi_start().

If a complete SPI interface is not required, then the following can be done to disable certain SPI pins, so they don't occupy a GPIO unnecessarily:

  • in config.h: #define SPI_MISO_PIN NO_PIN
  • in config.h: #define SPI_MOSI_PIN NO_PIN
  • in mcuconf.h: #define SPI_SELECT_MODE SPI_SELECT_MODE_NONE, in this case the slavePin argument passed to spi_start() may be NO_PIN if the slave select pin is not used.


void spi_init(void)

Initialize the SPI driver. This function must be called only once, before any of the below functions can be called.

bool spi_start(pin_t slavePin, bool lsbFirst, uint8_t mode, uint16_t divisor)

Start an SPI transaction.


  • pin_t slavePin
    The QMK pin to assert as the slave select pin, eg. B4.

  • bool lsbFirst
    Determines the endianness of the transmission. If true, the least significant bit of each byte is sent first.

  • uint8_t mode
    The SPI mode to use:

    ModeClock PolarityClock Phase
    0Leading edge risingSample on leading edge
    1Leading edge risingSample on trailing edge
    2Leading edge fallingSample on leading edge
    3Leading edge fallingSample on trailing edge
  • uint16_t divisor
    The SPI clock divisor, will be rounded up to the nearest power of two. This number can be calculated by dividing the MCU's clock speed by the desired SPI clock speed. For example, an MCU running at 8 MHz wanting to talk to an SPI device at 4 MHz would set the divisor to 2.

Return Value

false if the supplied parameters are invalid or the SPI peripheral is already in use, or true.

spi_status_t spi_write(uint8_t data)

Write a byte to the selected SPI device.


  • uint8_t data
    The byte to write.

Return Value

SPI_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout period elapses, or SPI_STATUS_SUCCESS.

spi_status_t spi_read(void)

Read a byte from the selected SPI device.

Return Value

SPI_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout period elapses, or the byte read from the device.

spi_status_t spi_transmit(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)

Send multiple bytes to the selected SPI device.


  • const uint8_t *data
    A pointer to the data to write from.
  • uint16_t length
    The number of bytes to write. Take care not to overrun the length of data.

Return Value

SPI_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout period elapses, SPI_STATUS_ERROR if some other error occurs, otherwise SPI_STATUS_SUCCESS.

spi_status_t spi_receive(uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)

Receive multiple bytes from the selected SPI device.


  • uint8_t *data
    A pointer to the buffer to read into.
  • uint16_t length
    The number of bytes to read. Take care not to overrun the length of data.

Return Value

SPI_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout period elapses, SPI_STATUS_ERROR if some other error occurs, otherwise SPI_STATUS_SUCCESS.

void spi_stop(void)

End the current SPI transaction. This will deassert the slave select pin and reset the endianness, mode and divisor configured by spi_start().